The Present - a mindfulness program for elementary school educators

The Present is a spiral program that enables Elementary schools to introduce mindfulness and well-being in an incremental way; supporting learning across the curriculum and throughout the elementary school years.

The program has been developed by Sarah Silverton (mindfulness teacher, trainer, and author), Tabitha Sawyer (elementary school teacher and assistant principal), and Dusana Dorjee (neuroscientist and researcher).

The Present
is designed for educators working with elementary-aged children in schools. It weaves learning about mindfulness, well-being, and neuroscience into activities that typically take place throughout a school day, as well as at home.

The materials aim to develop:

metacognitive awareness,
attention regulation skills,
emotion regulation skills,
non-judgement and non-reactivity in relating to experience,
noticing and savouring positive experiences,
qualities of kindness and openness in relating to self and others

To build understanding and skills for both adults and children, The Present materials offer a shared exploration of seven themes:

Here and Now




Human Body

Human Mind

Noticing Change

Learning about neuroscience, well-being, and mindfulness is developed through storytelling, suggested practices for each theme, inquiry, and everyday activities such as eating, walking, relating to other people and even lining up! 

The emphasis is on how we do things rather than what we do and on experiential learning rather than that which is primarily conceptual.

The Present
incorporates the latest evidence from neuroscience, including new understandings of brain development from the ages of 3-11, and the impact of mindfulness and attention on emotion regulation. In doing so, The Present program recognises the evolving needs of children as they progress through elementary education and is relevant to each particular age, as they encounter the joys and rituals of everyday life.

In recognition of the challenges and demands of the role of an elementary school teacher, the materials are also offered in a way that is accessible to busy teachers and offers support to them, as well as the children.

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