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It has been such a joy and privilege to co-teach with Trevor Mackenzie over two semesters.

In this podcast, we reflect upon working together and how mindful awareness connects with Inquiry-Based Learning in the classroom.

Here are some of the key insights Trevor shares:

- Reach out to fellow teachers. Find and value mentors.

- Share your practice openly, and publicly – perhaps start a blog documenting your experiences.

- Be vulnerable – open yourself to uncertainty with students

- Define your core values for teaching and learning and bring them into the classroom.

- Help your students know themselves better as learners, as thinkers, as people.

- It’s not just about what you are learning it’s also about how you are learning.

- Make space for your own well-being. For instance, ground yourself before you come into school – into your body, into your core values.

- Try to find your best, healthiest self, so you can be anchored to your values.

- Plan for the anticipated responses of students as you plan your lesson.

- Ask yourself: how can I sit more comfortably in my uncertainty so I can give my students more confidence in their learning and in their uncertainty.

- Align strategies/thinking routines/ protocols with dispositions/being mindful.

- Remember - dispositions leverage routines and protocols. Offer both and more, not either/or.

- Remember to slow down … be reflective and responsive to the moment.

Thank you so much, Trevor, for your time and your inspiration!

Chris Reck · Your Mindful Life podcast with Trevor Mackenzie. Mindfulness and the Inquiry Mindset
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